Monday, May 26, 2008


What is it all about...
Provides you MEDICAL COVERAGE due to an illness or accident. YOU have the option of using it as a post RETIREMENT PLAN or as a top up plan. YOU decide !

Buying Now for the Future

The circumstances of YOUr life now, determine the type of health coverage YOU need for YOUr future. Now, when YOU are YOUng and healthy, YOU may be enjoying comprehensive health coverage as an employee; therefore more so the need to enjoy the same degree of coverage when YOU have retired.

HEALTH INSURANCE PRODUCT- provides the opportunity to purchase health insurance now for YOUr golden years (retirement and beyond). Therefore, YOU can purchase this plan now based on YOUr current health status. And even better, no further evidence of insurability will be requested when YOU attain fifty-five (55) years and continue utilising this plan. Evidence of insurability provided at the onset will suffice.

YOU may also utilise the Health Insurance Product upon purchase as a top-up plan to YOUr current medical plan. For example, if YOUr hospitalisation bill exceeds the overall limit of YOUr current medical plan, YOU may claim the excess amount from the Health Insurance Product purchased subject to the self-insured deductible amount.

Check for Choice of Plan

Health Insurance Product offers few customised plans to suit YOUr needs. However, how do YOU choose the right plan for YOUrself? A lot depends on YOUr priorities. Do YOU want to keep YOUr premium payment as low as possible? Or are YOU willing to pay a little more to minimise YOUr cost later? Choose wisely !


YOUr Health Insurance Product Policy is renewable up to the age of seventy nine (79) years whilst the Insurer continues to transact this insurance product. Normally policy renewal is subject to the aggregate lifetime claim limit of three (3) times the Overall Annual Limit and insurability of the occupational class.
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Sunday, May 25, 2008

are you insured???


  • Disability
  • Property
  • Insurance financing vehichels ( exm: CAR INSURANCE)
  • Liability
  • Casualty
  • Credit
  • Education

Here is a video on insurance

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